Thursday, March 15, 2007

"Maritally Challenged" Candidates

In his Washington Monthly article, High Infidelity, Steve Benen, poses the question, "What if three admitted adulterers run for president and no one cares?" The Republicans face a huge problem because their top drawer candidates are, indeed, maritally challenged.
Here's what Benen had to say:

"Lurking just over the horizon are liabilities for three Republicans who have topped several national, independent polls for the GOP's favorite 2008 nominee: Sen. John McCain (affair, divorce), former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (affair, divorce, affair, divorce), and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (divorce, affair, nasty divorce). Together, they form the most maritally challenged crop of presidential hopefuls in American political history."

I think that people do care about a person's character. I know that I do. How is the GOP's evangelical base going to deal with this?

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Tina said...

They will confess to Jerry Falwell, be forgiven, and go on their merry way??

Amy Morton said...

I think that it is important for us to talk openly and at length about the concerns these charactrer issues raise.