Saturday, March 03, 2007

Hate Sells

Ann Coulter is a purveyor of hate. She uses hate-speech to call attention to herself and make money. On Friday, she pointed her guns at John Edwards. So far, so good. I'm for free speech and all that, but when the major candidates for the Republican nomination are in the audience along with the Vice President, then those who would be leaders have a responsibility to stand up and say that she was wrong. They have a responsibility to ban her appearance at future fundraisers. I hope that America is paying attention. These men who would be President have chosen her for their spokesperson. This is the callous hatred that is part and parcel of the extreme right wing. See the clip and learn what you can do here.

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Tina said...

Yep, I agree with Kathy. Coulter wanted to "out it out there" and now the obligatory condemnations are rolling in. I doubt if her popularity is diminished among her adherents.

Amy Morton said...

Yes, some of them are backing up now. Do you remember the "Mikey" commercials? They get her to "say" what no one else will say. They want it out there. I did some reseach and found her commentary on the 2004 VP debate where she referred to Edwards' "girlie hands." This will be part of their shameless whisper campaign against him, and it is wrong on so many levels. It is bigotry used as a club.

Tina said...

Bigots are really good at bigotry.

Tina said...

And I will add to that: "May a desert scorpion make its nest in her bedroom slipper." :-)

Amy Morton said...

I believe the scorpion would run from her!

Button Gwinnett said...

It's good to see that the Edwards campaign is turning her ugliness into a positive by raising "Coulter Cash."