Thursday, August 23, 2007

Privette's Private Life

The more rigid, the more tightly wrapped a person is on the outside, the more inner chaos they seek to control-that's my theory, anyway, and it is one repeatedly supported when moral activists (think Foley) are caught doing the very things they claim to abhor. Today, on Ethics Daily, there is a story about Rev. Coy Privette, a NC minister, county commissioner and former state legislator who today pleaded guilty to six counts of aiding and abetting prostitution. Turns out that the evidence against him included photographs taken by one of the women, hotel registrations where he used his own name and video footage of him with the women on the security cameras of the hotel. His penalty? Beyond the public humiliation, if he completes forty-eight hours of community service and a year of probation, under a first offender program, his record will be wiped clean.

Prior to his arrest, Privette served on the executive committee for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and for fifteen years was the executive director of The Christian Action League, a moral concerns group.

Anyone can make mistakes-even really bad mistakes. This is getting printed here because of the hypocrisy involved.

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Open+Transparent said...

Is his first name really "Coy"?

Amy Morton said...

I'm afraid so.