Monday, August 27, 2007

Cleaning Up Before the General

The exits of Rove and Gonzoles may have Democrats cheering, but this is nothing more than a little Fall cleaning, designed to gussy up the White House in time for next year's elections. And it's working. While Bush and the War in Iraq are still hugely unpopular, both are out-done by a Congress displaying a favorability rating of 18%. We need to remember that the GOP knows how to win elections. They know about the short attention span of voters and that how things appear is-when it comes to elections-more important than how things are. They're cleaning house. What are we going to do to get out own house in order before 2008?

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1 comment:

Vic said...

Never fear, Sam Nunn and the centrist demicans are near.

All politics is local, please try to show up for the third round of the Forest Hill Road Neighbors vs the Bibb County, Georgia (USA?) and GDOT title fight on holy ground tomorrow night. Details at the link you were supposed to have put up. georgiaimproper