Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Rules

We need new rules for our elections, and tonight, I found just the right list. When my mother died in 2002, she left each of her daughters a folder of memories-certificates, papers, cards, newspaper clippings-things that would make us remember, laugh and think. This is not a fancy scrapbook, but instead just a manila folder tied with a piece of twine. I came across that folder tonight and in it found the purple mimeographed list of rules for candidates from when I ran for student government office at East Rutherford High School in Forest City, NC. I share these with you, and propose that we use these rules-or at least the principles behind them-for our "real" elections. Imagine the difference it would make! Here's you go:


1. No candidate is allowed to spend over $10.00 on his or her campaign. The candidate must present his receipts for expenditures to the Student Council Advisor before he will be allowed to present his campaign speech.

2. Any candidate must maintain a "C" average or above.

3. No candidate will be allowed to register for an office after April 15th at 3:05 P.M. Campaigns officially begin Monday, April 26 at 8:30 A.M. The election is Friday, April 30.

3. Campaign posters may be placed: (1) One per candidate in the concession area; (2) Two per candidate in the lunchroom, one regular size and one not more than six feet long; (3) President and Vice President candidates are allowed a qualification poster in the D.E. display window. If picture is used, it must be a recent one.

4. Posters found elsewhere will be taken down.

5. Good judgment should be used in making posters.

6. Speeches: (1) All speeches must be approved by Mrs. Dawkins and the Student Body President; (2) Candidates will be allowed five minutes for speeches.


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Rusty said...

I like all the rules except number 6. Funny, that seems to be the only one anybody is interested in implementing.

Amy Morton said...

Yeah, you're right about #6, but I do like the part about not being allowed to give your speech until you have turned in all your receipts (for the $10 whole dollars!).