Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Teaming With Lawyers

When I went to Chicago in February, I met some of Obama's top staff and learned more about the campaign, I realized that their are serious brass knuckles in the velvet glove of Obama's calm demeanor and eloquent oratory. The campaign was 21st century Chicago politics, on steroids, gone national. It was a tough, serious, smart campaign that effectively blended technology and grassroots organizing, fueling the amazing fundraising machine the campaign became. They left no knife in the drawer. If Obama wins tonight, and I believe he will, it will be in large part due to his superior campaign organization.

Take for example, Obama's nationwide legal team - teams of mostly volunteer lawyers who are in place in every single state, even reliably red Georgia. Presidential candidates have always had lawyers in the state, but they have often simply been based in Atlanta. Today, these teams are spread out regionally and are not only well trained, they are armed with technology, reflecting the model of the entire campaign. I'm spending election day in Houston County with one of those teams of lawyers, and the talent here is impressive as it is throughout the state. If any lawsuits get filed or voting issues arise, I will let you know as soon as the information becomes public. Right now, it seems that with a few exceptions, things are running fairly smoothly. This may well be a case where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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1 comment:

Don Thieme said...

Something appears to have gone wrong with registrations at Middle Georgia College in Cochran. Down here in Valdosta I observed a very long line at the polling place where all of the students vote, right across from the college on North Patterson. Where I vote, a small distance out of town, there was no wait and the voters were nearly outnumbered by pollworkers and observers.