Thursday, October 23, 2008

The REAL Threat to Security

CNN reports that the economy is forcing police departments across the country to cut budgets and therefore staff. That sounds like the real threat to security, on election day or any other day.

On the other hand, to update the previous post about the email from Staton's aide, I have this:

From: Zachary Johnson

Sent: Thu Oct 23 07:31:56 2008
Subject: Good morning

Hello, Amy. Having never met you before, my name is Zach Johnson and I am one of your constituents. I woke up this morning to realize that my email to you was now on the web for all to see. You should know that despite my dumb mistake to send it from my work account it had nothing to do with my boss, Sen. Staton who is in fact out of the county. A gmail account would have made more sense but you live and learn. I am concerned however that you found it a good idea to forward one of your voter's emails to a media outlet? But that is your choice. Just know that this came from me and me alone and had NO CONNECTION with Senator Staton. I don't know Ms. Morton so would you please forward this to her. Thanks and hope you're doing well.

Zach Johnson

Now, Zach's a little confused about who's who, and makes some assumptions about who forward what, but his bottom line is that he says his original email, one I would still call ill-advised-is from him alone and is not connected to Sen. Staton. I do find his concern about the email being forwarded interesting. Such emails are considered an open record-you know those pesky sunshine laws- and any citizen or media outlet could request copies of emails to these city council members accounts-and from Sen. Staton's account, for that matter. Something a staffer might want to remember.

And this from the AJC:

The e-mail was sent on the Republican senator’s account, and time-stamped at 1:26 p.m. Wednesday. But Staton left for China on Tuesday, to look at that country’s mag-lev rail system, and had no hand in it, his wife Catherine Staton assured the Insider this morning. He still doesn’t know, she said, and certainly does not approve.

An apology from Johnson followed. Several people have emailed me to say that Johnson is new to politics. Welcome, but remember what Roy Barnes famously said - it's a blood sport. In fact, if Zach thinks he's had a rough day, he should check the new RNC mailer that basically calls Obama a terrorist. That's right, go there now, and contribute.

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Vic said...

Dear Zack,

You are formally invited to spend election night at the location of your choice in downtown Macon at which time we will introduce you to some colorful folks with a riotous sense of humor in order to broaden your obviously narrow horizons.

In your honor, we will hold a special snipe hunt following the ghost stories and marshmallow roast over the open, natural gas, eternal flame, in front of City Hall.

Please bring a sturdy, canvas, recyclable bag for the snipe hunt and please have Cecil arrange your State security detail.

Vic said...

Has Zack sent out an email warning of the looming Georgia Bank Failures? The white folks go crazy over this kind of stuff:

Several Georgia banks in jeopardy
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Sunday, October 19, 2008


"The statewide delinquency rate was six times higher this June than in June 2006, and now represents $6.6 billion in bad debt. In turn, the percentage of Georgia banks operating at a financial loss more than tripled during the same period. One in three banks statewide failed to turn a profit in the second quarter of 2008, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

“Literally, the bottom is falling out,” said Byron Richardson, an Atlanta-based bank onsultant. “The Atlanta economy was so driven by real estate for so many years. We’re seeing some very high rates of non-performing loans.”

Bank closings as they happen here:

"On October 24, 2008, Alpha Bank & Trust, Alpharetta, GA was closed by the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was named Receiver.

No advance notice is given to the public when a financial institution is closed."

Emma said...

Good Lord - what a mess! Definitely do not read the comments by the neanderthals who post on the Telegraph's site - they are rude to say the least.

As for Zack. . . one hopes that a little maturity will teach him how and when to send out emails of that nature. (Never is the phrase that comes to my mind.) The old email adage applies here: never put in print something you don't want the world to read. A tough lesson, especially when his email could be twisted up in so many ways besides "concern for safety". But I won't go there - it's fairly obvious.

Can I come to the marshmallow roast? I will be at Modena's headquarters eating chili (y'all come!), but I think marshmallows will be nice for dessert! lol

Vote Republican! said...

Zack's only mistake was he used the wrong email. His content is right on and people better heed his words.

Look at what happens after any major sporting event especially in cites like Chicago or Detroit.

This is a no win situation. Celebrations will get out of hand or frustrations will show. Either way, the tax payers will end up floating the bill for a bunch of idiots who can't control their emotions.

Maybe it won't happen in Macon. We all hope that it doesn't. But what's wrong with being prepared?