Friday, April 18, 2008

Nunn for Obama

The AJC is reporting that Sen. Sam Nunn has endorsed Barack Obama for President. That's quite a message to rural Georgia Democrats. Nunn may not be a Super Delegate, but he is definitely well respected in Georgia, both in the Party and without. This is a weighty, weighty endorsement. I also, personally, cannot think of a better person for Obama to tap for VP. It would be tough to argue with Nunn national security credentials, and imagine what that team would do for Democratic support and turnout in Georgia, and frankly, in other Southern states. Probably won't happen, but we can always hope.

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1 comment:

Tina said...

Sen. Sam Nunn is a very intelligent man...and I think his endorsement means he thinks Obama will win & wants to help him. I think it's wonderful !