Sunday, February 18, 2007

"Ashamed to Be a Republican"

That's how one CNN viewer said Sen. Eric Johnson's remarks made them feel. Yes, Georgia, and Sen. Johnson in particular, were once again in the spotlight on CNN tonight. For those who missed it, last night, CNN reported that, standing on the floor of the Georgia Senate, Sen. Johnson made grossly inaccurate remarks about the case of Georgia's Genarlow Wilson who is serving a ten year prison sentence for having consensual oral sex with fifteen year old girl when he was seventeen. When the Senate was considering taking steps to correct this injustice, Johnson rose and claimed that the girl was unconscious (not true) and that the act was rape (also not true). (A Typical Joe has the transcript of the CNN story here.)

Lucky for Wilson, Johnson's remarks have created quite a stir. Maybe it will make a difference. Viewers from all over the country have responded and most are simply astonished that Georgia lawmakers have failed to correct this injustice. CNN vows to keep watching as Wilson's attorney asks lawmakers and Governor Perdue to help right this wrong. Come on folks, this is wrong. This young man's life is on the line. The whole country is watching. DO SOMETHING.

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