Monday, May 01, 2006

Seventy Years Too Long

Tonight, the house was full when Georgia's WIN List honored the achievements of Viola Ross Napier. Ms. Napier was, in 1922, the first women elected to serve in the Georgia General Assembly. Rep. Nikki Randall, who was the second Democratic women from Macon elected to the Georgia House, a mere seventy years after Ms. Napier first served, was on hand and brought greetings from Secretary of State Cathy Cox. The crowd agreed that seventy years between Democratic women was far too long, and as if to answer, three of the five middle Georgia Democratic women who are seeking House seeks were on hand for this special event. In addition to the honorees, a number of candidates were present including:

(1) Dawn Randolph (PSC); 2) Steen Miles (Lt. Governor); 3) Shyam Reddy (SOS); Scott Holcomb (SOS); 4) Gail Buckner (SOS); 5)Pam White-Colbert (Superior Court Judge); 6) Charles Jones (Superior Court Judge); 7) Dee Haigler (Senate); 8) Lauren Benedict (House); and 9) Beth Perera (House).

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