Thursday, October 22, 2009

What? Dem Invited to "Lead Republicans in Georgia"

My husband, who is the 8th Congressional District Chair for the Democratic Party of Georgia, has been getting some interesting mail. This mailer from the RNC came just yesterday and is made to look like an official census document. Pretty deceptive, if you ask me. But, the funny part of this is the pitch-the Republican Party would like Daryl to "lead Republicans in the 8th Congressional District." What a hoot! I wonder where the RNC is getting their lists these days, but do appreciate them wasting their donor's money this way. Here's the mailer:

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Donald said...

So, how do you identify yourself? Conservative Republican?

lisahgolden said...

Okay, a Dem like me would LOVE to see a Dem like your husband lead the 8th district Republicans. It would be a major improvement.

(Yay for you getting linked on Think Progress!)

Unknown said...

I love the fact that one of the options for where you get you news is "Friends." I have to assume that means Fox and Friends and not what most liberals would jump to, the sitcom.