Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Standing My Ground on SCHIP

I'm thinking we need some theme music...

You know what? If I (we) have to take hits fighting for greater access to health care for the children of the working poor, then we just do. Check the facts, and look at this summary of today's developments from Down With Tyranny. Last week, I had a conversation with Doug Moore, Marshall's spokesman (who called me). As I told Doug, if I were in Marshall's seat and thought that voting for SCHIP meant that I would not get re-elected, then I would just have to come home. At some point, you just have to stand your ground. And, I am. Are you?

Have you called Jim Marshall yet? Have you signed the petition? Have you faxed (202-225-3013) or emailed him (jim.marshall@mail.house.gov)? Play the theme music, and then, please, contact Marshall and ask him to, please, vote to override. Tell him that it is not a sign of weakness to change his mind and do the right thing for children.

And, by the way, thanks to Flack, BfD, DWT, and scores of others who have been helping us get the word out about this important opportunity to stand up for health care for children.

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Vic said...

Tom Petty has smoked too much dope to be the spokesmusicperson, try some Rocky/Survivor music, it'll make Jim have flash backs to to the shoe signing election night...

Amy Morton said...

I love Tom Petty.

Vic said...

well, maybe with a long blonde wig and a little imagination, Daryl will do in the meantime.